Security Camera Application Github

During the summer of 2019, I was completing the second half of my 8-month (first) co-op at Ergonomyx Technologies Canada. While I enjoyed the web development aspect of my position, I was eager to learn about embedded systems and how the software of an application interacted at the hardware level.

I decided to start working on a project that would introduce me to embedded systems combined with some of my web development knowledge.

Raspberry Pi 3
PIR Sensor

The project consists of a Raspberry Pi 3, Camera, and Passive Infrared (PIR) Sensor. Connected by a breadboard, the PIR sensor is activated when motion is detected within the vicinity. Upon the sensor being activated, the camera that is directly connected to the Pi begins recording.

After 5 seconds, the video recording is saved and sent via HTTP protocol to a remote Node.js web server. Upon the request to the server being received successfully, the Pi's program awaits the next detection of movement.

On the web server side, when the request from the Pi is received, the image is converted into JPG format and saved locally. Also, the image's information (filename, timestamp, etc.) is saved in a MongoDB database. Once the information has been properly stored, a text message is sent to my phone via Twilio to alert me of the detection. The web server also hosts a local website that displays each video clip with the ability to manage each video and its information, as seen to the left.

Mobile App