
A little about me

I am a 25-year-old, Software Engineer who has completed a Bachelor's Degree in Software Engineering from the University of Victoria, along with a specialization in Data Mining & Analysis, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence. My passion lies in the innovation and development of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning applications. Growing up in Calgary, AB, I have had the opportunity to live around Western Canada playing high-level hockey before attending university. Stick around to learn a little bit more about me and some of the projects I have had the privilege of working on.

Curriculum Vitae


University of Victoria
Bachelor of Software Engineering (BSENG) - Software Engineering (Co-op)
Victoria, BC
September 2017 - August 2022
GPA: 3.9/4.0 (UVic scale: 8.31/9.00)

In choosing engineering for my degree, not only have I obtained extensive knowledge through school, I have obtained valuable, real-world experience through co-op work terms. Furthermore, university has allowed me to develop closer to the person I have always desired to be.

St Francis High School
High School Diploma
Calgary, AB
September 2013 - June 2016
Honours With Distinction

In combination with playing junior hockey, high school helped me develop the personality and many traits that I have today. During Grade 12, I learned to convert my work ethic from hockey into my studies as well as various other areas of my life. Unfortunately for the NHL, my passion is in Software Engineering, so I had to give up hockey. This helped improve my grades in high school and has carried through in my university GPA.

Work Experience

Wood Mackenzie
Data Science Software Engineer II
Houston, TX (Remote)
September 2022 - Current

In 2022, I joined Wood Mackenzie as a full-time Software Engineer. My primary duties were building machine learning models and processing Big Data for an in-house web scraper application. Machine learning projects involved building, training, or fine-tuning computer vision, NLP, LLMs, and classical models, depending on the use case. I worked on Big Data processing and engineering using PySpark on Databricks, helping process raw data to be published to clients.

Salyx Medical
Machine Learning Engineer
Victoria, BC
January 2022 - August 2022

While completing my last few semesters of my BSEng degree, I eagerly joined Salyx Medical as a part-time employee to develop a cuffless blood pressure prediction model. This has required reading through academic research papers to learn the best way to approach the problem. A person's Photoplethysmography (PPG) signal was used to develop various beat-to-beat features that were eventually used as inputs to an RNN. I was able to optimize the feature extraction and model training process to achieve an MAE of 3.8 and 2.9 for systolic and diastolic blood pressures respectively. These metrics allowed the company to meet the AAMI and BHS standards for a "Medical Grade A" device!

Convergence Concepts Inc.
AI/ML Engineering Co-op
Vancouver, BC
August 2021 - January 2022

With this being my fourth and final co-op, I was eager to find a job in the field I desire to start my career. This role was at a smaller company which enabled me to take on a larger workload. Specifically, I spent much of my time working in machine learning, AI and DevOps tasks under minimal supervision. I quickly learned how to develop an end-to-end machine learning application that involved acquisition of data, exploratory data analysis, data cleaning, preprocessing, model training and deployment on AWS. This project was a content classification system, for recognizing relevant information on a webpage. I used TensorFlow to construct a multi-input neural network with a text embedding layer and a text NLP layer that required fine-tuning a BERT transformer from HuggingFace. I was able to learn how to build an end-to-end machine learning application in combination with transfer learning. I learned how big of a problem data collection and tagging is in supervised learning. This led me to understand how to optimize deep neural networks for the problem at hand.

Inventu Reaserch Inc.
Software Engineering Team Lead
Victoria, BC
September 2020 - September 2021
This role was a continuation of my 3rd co-op as an Embedded and Software Engineer where I was promoted to leading the web development, mobile app and embedded engineering teams on a part-time basis. This role was focused around guiding the teams towards completing new tasks and achieving their milestones. Incidentally, I was the go-to person for answering code-related and project-related questions. I quickly learned how to lead weekly Kanban meetings, discussing project needs as well as developer needs. With this role being part time, I was more involved in the management of people and projects than developing code.

Ergonomyx Technologies Canada
Embedded Software Engineer Co-op
Victoria, BC
May 2020 - September 2020

This role has revolved around programming and soldering the PCB's for the company's desk and bike products. Using C++, I have had the opportunity to program various peripherals such as Servo and PWM motors, capacitive touch sensors, and accelerometers. Programming the PCB's have allowed me to better understand UART and I2C protocols, programming in a memory-constrained environment, and constructing Bluetooth and WiFi connections to the IOS and Android applications.

Ergonomyx Technologies Canada
Full Stack Web Developer Co-op
Victoria, BC
January 2019 - September 2019

From the ground up, I designed, implemented, and tested a full stack e-commerce website to market the company's products. This included an HTML/Python front-end, a Node.js API and a Postgresql database. With this being my first engineering co-op, I had to overcome a difficult learning curve given the size of the project I was assigned with. After obtaining the necessary knowledge, this role helped me fall in love with programming. I obtained extensive experience writing API endpoints and SQL queries to a relational database.

Personal Development

Kimberley Dynamiters
Kimberley, BC
November 2016 - April 2017

Knowing that I wanted to go to university for engineering the next fall, I wanted to leave the game of hockey on the best note I that could. I decided to go play for a team that I heard many excellent things about - and that was arguably the best decision I ever made in my hockey career.

Canmore Eagles
Canmore, AB
September 2015 - November 2016

This was my first experience playing junior hockey and did it ever teach me a lot. After learning how to play in this business-first type of league, it didn't end up being something I wanted to pursue. However, the relationships I developed while playing for teams such as Canmore are still relevant in my life today. I still see my loving billet family from Canmore as well as many of my past teammates.

Some of my projects

Over the course of my degree, I have had the opportunity work on various engineering projects that have encouraged me to further my extracurricular development. With a range of experience in web development, embedded systems and machine learning, I have begun to narrow down a field of interest for which I plan to start my career in. This interest revolves around machine learning and artificial intelligence based applications.
Ergo Desk

Duck Hunt AI

A Computer Vision application that uses Transfer Learning to solve the famous "Duck Hunt" shooter game. Python Implementation and Research Paper.

AI MNIST Pipeline

AI MNIST Pipeline

An end-to-end Machine Learning application with a deployed frontend for user usage. Using Python, TensorFlow, and AWS Lambda & S3 Buckets.

Mobile Apps

AWS Day Trading System

A distributed system that uses load balancing, horizontal and vertical scaling on AWS. Consists of a client, console, stock/quote server and relational database.



Throughout University, I have had my share of adversity and the anxiety that comes with it. Along with working out, I have found a way to relieve stress through cooking at the end of the day. I find it rewarding to spend time making a delicious meal. On top of that, making food allows me to get out of my own head and any stress weighing me down from the day.
For the first 20 years of my life, I played various different sports. These included golf, football, soccer, but mainly hockey. While I had the chance to play the sports that I loved, I also learned a lot. Over the course of playing for many teams I developed excellent interpersonal skills, respect for others and how to work in a group setting. While I no longer play competitively, I still invest extracurricular time in intramural sports such as hockey, squash and tennis, along with keeping up to date with professional hockey through fantasy leagues.
I have always been adamant about school, work and the projects I undertake. While I have obtained excellent experience from both university and my co-op work terms, I strive for continuous learning on my own. I am passionate about creating and designing the software and hardware for cool ideas I have or come across online. Learning and getting better comes a bit easier when it's something you love. Go check out my projects page to see what I mean!